Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Claiming my space in the world as a divine goddess

Now that you know how this baby was conceived I must share the story of how this very active nyc chick opened up to the idea of having a child.  I am pretty sure many women can relate to putting having a family in the back burner for a long time since our lives are so full of activities, the excitement that city living brings as well as our endless hunger for success.

On May 14th, 2010 I left the interior design world & my very cozy, secure, well paying job for the unknown, to search for myself, to find bigger and better things to do with my life.....in other words "I quit".  When that persistent thought pulls at you and you get to the point which you can no longer ignore it, action is the only logical following step.  Luckily my husband was very much in agreement with my decision which made things much easier.  Also a brilliant move on my part was coming to an agreement with my soon to be former employer where we would work together in the happy separation of my clients for a comfy severance package.

So there I went, my initial idea was to travel the world, go to my birth country Uruguay, see my family, take lots of classes, spend much time at the beach, hang out with friends, redo my apt and be open to receive my new direction.  One gift giving to me by the universe completely changed my world.
I remember this day as if it were yesterday:
After many months of not working & playing I was in my apartment completely freaking out when an intense desire of wanting to get out of the city came about me.  It was wednesday and luckily for me the previous tenant subscribed to the Kripalu Catalog and every month I would receive it in the mail.  That day I received the new one and opened it up to find out it was the perfect place to go to for rest and relaxation.  I went on the website and booked the first weekend seminar I saw which I could not even tell you right now what it was,  I just needed out and anything would do.  I reserved a spot on the shuttle that takes you from Manhattan to the Center and off I went.  This place is 4 hours away and having never been there before it was very exhilarating and relaxing at the same time.

On the shuttle which I completely recommend to anyone going that way I listened to music and with every mile that passed I let go of stress.  During music breaks I would be in silence and by coincidence heard the other woman on the bus comment on a weekend course they were about to take called Goddess Boot-camp with a woman named Sierra Bender.  They got my attention and I turned to inquire about it.  They explained how it was only for woman and how empowering it was supposed to be.  Interesting I thought.  As soon as we got to the center off the shuttle we went and to my left was a tall, gorgeous woman with long dark hair, chiseled cheeks and lots of presence.  Once I got inside to the front desk and inquired about the goddess boot-camp I realized that the woman by the front entrance was Sierra Bender.  I thought to myself, I want what she's got and quickly changed my weekend plans to take her course instead.  This is how it started;  It was 45 women and we did lots of yoga, breathing exercises, hiking, archery, sharing & readings from her book "Goddess to the Core" which contains much valid information on the history of women in the world and the transition from the Worshipped Goddess to the women we are today.
The core of this course is the exercises however the SOUL of the course is the shift that happens inside as you expose yourself to so much information about women.  No other place or class ever spoke to me in this way about the real ME.

This was my introduction to my Inner Goddess.  To a much deeper place of feminine essence all woman  posses.  That connection to the devine, to our bodies, to our sensual feminine side, to our female power, to mother earth and father sky - body and spirit.  That weekend I claimed my space in the world as a sensual, sexual, powerful, sacred, divine Goddess and I was never going back.
I am incredibly grateful that this was placed in my path and now looking back it is the only way that I would have opened myself up to the divine gift given to me by the universe of bringing a life into this world.   Everyone is touched by different experiences, this one experience shifted my paradigm and changed my life.
                                                      Thank you Universe & Sierra for your amazing work.


  1. Already knowing you and Bill..I must admit I read each word with anticipation for the next. Your inner beauty is as deep as the outer..You are an amazing and inspirational woman! Sebastian is truly blessed!

  2. Becky thank you so much, this means so much to me. I just figured out where the comments were and how to reply so forgive me for writing one month later! This writing blog thing is kind of scary since I am exposing myself but so glad to see that it's not as scary as I thought!!
    Love Claudia and Sebastian!
